Disenyo is a virtual t-shirt design competition among the different local government units in the university that aims to encourage the local artists to master their craft through digital media and the arts.
Choosing the best font for every shirt have a big part. This will easily represent the boldness and the weight that we want other people feel when they see the design.
Graphic Elements
Typography Elements
Final Design + Explanation
The University church seen at the center represents the quality Christian education that is being taught to every Centralian. In the background, there is a word that says “Greatness” which is a vital word for us. As quoted from one of Shakespeare’s works, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”, I believe every Centralian aims for greatness. You may notice the rays as well overlaid by the design; it is a radial ray of lights. This represents the Centralian color that radiates within us. I chose the colors blue and gold to represent the hues of amity and greatness. For me, it simply means that no matter what career we choose or which path we take, as a Centralian, we achieve amity and greatness because we are one.
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