Logo Elements
The main logo is a coat of arms with 5 elements
that together represents the college
Rubik was picked as the primary font face as It works to maintain consistency, create clarity to users. It is important to maintain these type pairings. This allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong hierarchy for all communications.
The primary brand colors are white, black, CPU Gold and Navy blue. They are used to provide accessibility, simplicity, and consistency throughout all brand communications.

CPU Gold is an important color that is unique to designs that I created for
CPU like the CPUR Seal.
Logo should be white on Black Backgrounds, The White + Gold Variant on Dark blue background and Yellow + Dark Blue on white backgrounds.
Clear spaces
Clear space around the logo is equal to 32px or anything that is proportionate
or is divisible by eight. In the event that the Coat of arms should be replicated, gaps sizing should be divisible by eight. see example glyph bounds.
Partnership lockup
Aligning partnership logos should follow clear space rules. The separating line between logos can be created by the “CB” in the vertical variation of the logo
The logo on different variations
3D View
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